Tag Archives: entrepreneur

Are You Afraid to Take the Leap?

Impala AdeFrias

“Don’t fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.” – Louise E. Boone

Impalas are majestic creatures that can leap as high as 10 feet in the air, and in one leap can travel 30 feet. That’s amazing! However, in captivity, when the impala is kept behind a fence that is only 3 feet high, it will not escape. Why? The reason is that their inability to see where they’ll land prevents them from making that leap.

I really enjoy watching Shark Tank, and I love the entrepreneurial spirit and passion of those who come on the show. Many of them left their jobs to devote their life to something they believe in. I truly admire those who were willing to take that leap in their career by leaving their jobs to do something they are more passionate about. J. Money from Budgets are Sexy and Holly and Greg from Club Thrifty took the leap and have successful blog(s) as well as other online businesses. Likewise, Shannon from Financially Blonde, left her job in Wealth Management to start her own company. She also wrote a blog post recently saying that she urges her mentees to be brave and to not fear the gap. Leaving a steady paycheck and working for yourself no doubt takes a big leap of faith. I haven’t yet found something that I’m passionate about which would also earn me an income, and my blog probably made less money in its almost 2 years in existence than I probably make in one day in my regular job. Though I know that working another 20 years at my current job is not something I see myself doing. But even if I find my passion, I question whether I’d have the courage to leave a steady paycheck and benefits.

I also admire those who were able to save up enough money to call it quits and leave the workforce at the prime of their earning years because they’ve decided there are better things to do with life than working until you’re 65. Justin from Root of Good quit his job at 33 and spends much of his time relaxing, learning new things, and spending time with his family. Jeremy and Winnie from Go Curry Cracker left their jobs in their 30s to travel the world. Who doesn’t want to have more time to do the things they want to do, to spend more time with their family, to learn new things, and to travel more. While I am no where near taking the leap into early retirement or early financial independence, I know that even if was, I’d be worried whether the money would last and what others would say about such an audacious plan.

Never let your fears get in the way of your dreams

In high school, my sister bought me a t-shirt that said “Never Let your fears get in the way of your dreams.” Those words inspired me and they appear next to my picture in my high school yearbook. I was young and the world was my oyster. Anything was possible! I could accomplish anything if I put my mind to it. Sometimes I miss the enthusiasm and confidence of youth. Although, I was always optimistic about the future at that age, I was also always risk averse and still am.

I am sure many of those who have taken that leap into the unknown have moments of panic and experiences of failure. Ultimately, no one has a crystal ball to see into the future. You do your research and your due diligence. You take calculated risks, but you take that leap. YOU TAKE THAT LEAP. Too often, many of us, myself included, will succumb to analysis paralysis where we overthink things and never do anything. Planning and being prepared is a good thing. But never taking action is not. So stop doubting yourself and do what it is that you know deep inside you were meant to do. Don’t worry if you fail. There are no failures in life, only life lessons. Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. “In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, relationships we were afraid to have and the decisions we waited too long to make.”

What’s holding you back from taking that leap?